Lockdown 3.0 - Glazewing COVID-19 Statement
We just wanted to take a moment to share with you details of the current situation here at Glazewing, following the recent announcement of a third lockdown.
We have put together a document which details our position, but the key points are as follows:
- Metal Recycling has been designated a critical industry by the government which means that we are able to continue operating, providing we operate in a COVID-safe manner.
- In order to help protect our staff and local community we have taken the decision to only accept material from our existing business customers.
We have updated our guidance for site visitors as follows:
- Only one person will be allowed in the weighbridge reception at any one time, please use the anti-bacterial wipes/sanitiser supplied, facemasks MUST be worn at all times whilst on site.
- Please leave the paperwork on the counter and step back. The weighbridge staff will process the paperwork and return to the counter (if required).
- Maintain the 2-metre rule at all times.
- Container drivers remain in their cab during the loading and unloading of their container.
- Visitor toilet located by the main entrance.
- No unauthorised personnel will be granted access to the offices.
- All visitors to site must adhere to Glazewing’s COVID 19 risk assessment.
- If you display any symptoms of COVID 19 we will ask you to leave our premises in order to protect those on site.
We aim to resume normal service as soon as we possibly can.
Thank you for your continued co-operation during this unusual and difficult time. If you have any concerns please contact us.